
The X-Plorer window consists of 5 parts:

Underneath the title line you will find the symbols to call up all functions you will need:

Tree window

The window to the left contains all directories with their databases and tables in a hierarchical tree structure. So your data are clearly structured and quickly accessible and also the type of data is indicated.

By clicking on the [+] or [-] icon next to a symbol, you can open or close the corresponding branch of the tree. When no [+] or [-] icon is visible, you have reached the end of a branch.

List window

The upper right window lists the content of the selected object in the tree window in a table form. The content of the list window will change according to the type of data.

Details window

If you click on a line in the list window, further details on the selected object will be displayed in the details window below.

In the details window you can also edit the data record or modify attributes.

This window has its own symbol bar: image1923977853.jpg. Details see below.

Status line

Indicates which directory and database object has been selected in the tree window, how many elements it contains and how many objects have been selected in the list window.

Functions of the main X-Plorer symbol bar

Database functions - A pop-up menu with the following options appears: Refresh
Updates all data; useful especially in network applications when several users are accessing the same data.
Set database writable Using this option, you can disable a wirite protected database so that you can delete or modify objects.
Set database read only Using this option, you can protect any database from being deleted or modified accidentally.
You can recognize a write protected database by the orange icon, a database with read and write access is indicated by a blue icon.
Set Automap of map tables Using this option you can include or exclude certain map tables from being listed in the AUTOMAP function. Consequently the two option available in the corresponding submenu are Include and Exclude. For further information please refer to the chapter AutoMAP.
Connect folder… Opens another branch in the tree window and lists all databases that are located in this directory. You can immediately work with the data and create, delete or modify databases.
Remove this connection…
Using this option, you can delete a connected folder (see above) including all databases. The path to the corresponding directory will be closed or the the network connection be terminated. The files will not be deleted, only the direct access to QV is cut.
Connection frozen
This function is only available when you have marked a directory in the tree window that is labeled with the icon. QV will freeze the connection and the corresponding data will not be listed anymore. However the configured connection will remain and can be reactivated at any time! A freezed connection is indicated with an icon.
Import QV 3.x / 4.x databases Using this option you can import data from previous QV versions. You can select a single QU3/QU4-file which has been created with an older version of QV. Alternatively, you can alos import the complete QU3 or QU4 folder. New database will be created in the tree window which are named in the same way as your older databases and wich will contains all maps, waypoints, routes and tracks. This is the simplest way of getting your stock of data into the new version.
Compress This function will scan for databases and objects which have been marked as deleted and will remove them finally. A backup of the original database files will be stored under the same name but with a *.BAK extension.
New QV X-Plorer Window Opens another X-Plorer window.
External ON/OFF Makes the X-Plorer to a seperate program which can be placed outside the main QuoVadis 6 program window. Thus, you can place the X-Plorer to a second screen and maximize the space available in the main program window for map windows. This is a switch function: by removing the tickmark in front of External you can link the X-Plorer back again to the QV main window.
New function Creates new databases, tables, waypoints, routes, tracks or maps. This function is depending from the currently selected element in the X-Plorer tree window. If  a directory is currently selected, you can create a new database. If a route table is selected, you can create a new route, etc.
You can also acces this function through the pop-up menu after a right mouse click an any element of the X-Plorer window. Again, depending on which hierarchical level you have been clicking, the new elements which you can create, will vary:
If you are on a folder level, you can create new folders or new databases. If you are on a database level, you can create new tables of various types. If you ara on a table level, you can create new elemets accoring to the table type, so waypoints in a waypoint table, tracks in a track table, routes in a route table, drawings in a drawing table, etc.
In any case a corresponding assistant will open and lead you through the process.
One level up Selects the next directory or database element upwards. Necessary if the tree window is masked in order to reach the next directory level upwards.
Convert coordinates in list to current units ON/OFF Activates the conversion tool for coordinates from elements in the list window to the currently defined unit. When disabled, all coordinates are displayed as degree decimals in WGS 84, when enabled, they are converted to the format and date currently set. Please note that this function will slow down the scrolling in the list window. The current date is displayed in the X-Plorer window title line. This icon has a switch function.
image402681221.jpg Cell Edit mode Using this function you can edit each cell in any table or selected element.
image1225392707.jpg Edit column properties Using this function you can edit columns of a selected table. Two options are availabel in the corresponding submenu: Optimal column width - This will automatically adjust column width to the optimal size. Select data columns… - This option will allow to enable or disable any column form the listing in the X-Plorer list window.

Cut Cuts and copies the selected elements to the clipboard. The data will not be deleted from the original place before they are inserted somewhere else.
Copy Copies the selected elements to the clipboard without deleting them from the original place.
Paste Pastes the elements from the clipboard at the current cursor position. Please note that this will only work if the data format is suitable. For example, you can copy location data and paste them to a waypoint or route, but you can't paste a track into a drawing table. You can also rearrange data by simple drag and drop operations.
image2029043124.jpg Duplicate Duplicates a marked object and inserts it in the same table.
Delete Deletes all selected elements. Depending on the Database settings, the elements are either deleted from the list or marked as deleted and can be restored later on.
 Show in map When a map is selected in the list window, an assistant will open where you can choose the maps style (2d or 3D) and also the map extent. Otherwise, the selected elements are displayed on the opened  map. If no map is opened or if the geodata are outside the map coverage, a list with suitable maps will be offered. The maps which are listed will depend on the AutoMAP setting. \\ |
| {{Images:image643382271.jpg?20x20 Open in XY-diagram Opens the selected data as a X/Y-diagram. See chapter X/Y Diagrams for further details.
fhbullets15.jpg Send to Garmin as a Map Sends all selected elements to the map memory area of your Garmin GPS unit. See chapter Garmin IMG maps.
Send to GPS                 Sends the selected waypoints, routes or tracks to the GPS. See chapter Upload geodata from your GPS.
Receive from GPS Downloads saved waypoint , tracks or routes from your GPS. See chapter Download geodata from your GPS.
fhbullets16.jpg Export Exports the selected data in the defined format. For further details please refer to the Export of Data.
fhbullets17.jpg Import Opens an assistant to import data to QV. For further details please refer to Import of data.
Print list Will print the selected items as a list.
Special functions For additional commands, please see description below.

Symbol bar between the list and details window:

fhbullets38.jpg Save changes.
fhbullets39.jpg Undo changes.
fhbullets40.jpg Show links panel with the following options: - Show image Thumbnails - Remove all links… For further details see chapter Linking external Documents.
fhbullets41.jpg Change the style of selected items.
fhbullets42.jpg Recalculates summary statistic of tracks and trainings. See Track Statistics.
fhbullets43.jpg Opens the Track Processor. See chapter Track Processor for further details.
fhbullets44.jpg Opens an assitant to add photos to trackpoints. See chapter Assigning Photos to Tracks.

Displaying and sorting

Tree window

The tree window has a fixed order of display. Directories and databases are displayed in the order they were created, with the geographic database directory and the QV system directory always at the end of the list.

Tables, routes and tracks within the databases are listed in an alphabetic order. Please note that the sorting after editing will not be updated before refreshing the tree window.

List window

In the list window the contents of map, waypoint, route, track and drawing tables are listed. The list can be sorted in ascending or descending order of each column. For this purpose, just left-click with the mouse into the column header and the list will be sorted according to this column in ascending or descending order. A small triangle will indicate the sorting order.

The list window for routes, i.e. the list of route waypoints, is sorted in a fixed order and cannot be rearranged. Otherwise, this would completely change the route!

Column width

The column width is calculated automatically by QV. If you rename data, the columns may become too narrow. To recalculate the optimum column width, double-click on the column title or select  image1225392707.jpg Optimal column width. You can also left-click on the margin between two column headings and drag the column width to the desired size.

X-Plorer Units

Koordinaten, Entfernungen, und Geschwindigkeiten können in vielen verschiedenen Einheiten angezeigt werden.

Das Icon öffnet das Fenster Einstellungen - Einheiten. Wählen Sie die Maßeinheiten, in welchen Sie die Daten angezeigt bekommen möchten. Diese Einstellungen betreffen nur die Anzeige im X-Plorer, das Drucken von Listen und die Anzeige in der Statuszeile. Sas Speichern neuer Daten wird davon nicht beeinflusst.

Auf langsamen Rechnern kann das Umrechnen von Koordinaten das Tempo beim Blättern im Listenfenster verlangsamen. In solchen Fällen können Sie die Koordinatenumrechnung mit dem Schalter fhbullets45.jpg abschalten. Koordinaten werden dann in Dezimalgraden nach WGS 84 angezeigt und das Blättern im X-Plorer erfolgt dann deutlich schneller.

Weitere Information dazu finden Sie im Kapitel Einheiten.

Markieren und Auswählen

Coordinates, distances and speeds can be displayed in many different units.

Through the unit icon in the main menu bar you can open a window where you can specify the units in which you want the data to be displayed. The settings will only define the display of data in the X-Plorer, the printing of lists and the status line. They will not affect the entry of new data. Please note that when using a PCs with a comparably low peformance the conversion of data may slow down your PC when scrolling in tables remarkably. In such cases you can disable the automatic data conversion with the software switch image1249481717.jpg. If disabled, coordinates will be displayed in decimal degrees and with WGS 84 map datum. This will speed-up scrolling signifficantly.

Further information is given in the chapter Units.

Marking and selecting

Selecting is performed by a left-click on the corresponding name in the tree or list window. The selected  elements will then be shown in reverse color which indicates the marking status.

If you now click on another element thereafter, the reverse color marking of the previously selected element disappears and the new element is now marked and displayed in reverse color.

All commands refer to the selected elements displayed in reverse color in the active window.

Multiple selection

In the tree window, only one element can be marked at a time. However, several elements can be selected in the list window which are then displayed in reverse color. This is done using the standard Windows functions for marking, i.e. either with the mouse + Ctrl or Shift or with the keyboard arrow keys + Ctrl or Shift and the Space bar to reverse the selection. Ctrl + A marks all elements in the list.

Active window

Bitte beachten Sie, daß entweder das Baum- oder das Listenfenster aktiv ist, aber nie beide gleichzeitig.
Sie erkennen das aktive Fenster an der blauen Hinterlegung des markierten Objekts.
Klicken Sie z.B. im Baumfenster auf eine Wegpunkt-Tabelle wird diese blau hinterlegt dargestellt und das Listenfenster zeigt jetzt alle Wegpunkte an, die in dieser Tabelle enthalten sind. Jetzt ist das Baumfenster aktiv und wenn Sie jetzt Löschen image1804465125.jpg auswählen, wird die gesamte Wegpunkt-Tabelle gelöscht.

Klicken Sie dagegen auf den einen Wegpunkt im Listenfenster, wird dieser blau hinterlegt dargestellt und im Baumfenster wird nun die zugehörige Tabelle nur noch eingerahmt dargestellt. Die Wegpunkttabelle ist zwar noch ausgewählt, aber das aktive Fenster und damit der Fokus liegt auf dem gewählten Objekt im Listenfenster. Entsprechend wird die Auswahl der Löschen-Funktion image1804465125.jpg jetzt nur den markierten Wegpunkt löschen.


Right-click on the name that is to be changed, either in the tree or in the list window, and select Rename from the pop-up menu. Change the name and click the Save image1641060872.jpg icon or press Enter to confirm. You can also use the  Esc key if you want to cancel the editing.

Please note that a function for an automatic renaming of selected items is also avialbale through the image1546364538.jpg icon.

Editing Data

If the parent database is not write protected (orange database symbol), all data can be edited.

In the tree or list windows, only the names can be changed. To change other data, e.g. the description or the symbol of a waypoint, you have to use the detail window below, which contains an input field or button for any field that can be changed. However you may require to click the Cell edit mode image402681221.jpg icon before you can do so.

Mark the required line / field and make your changes in in the detail window. Confirm your changes by clicking the Save image1641060872.jpg icon or by pressing Enter.

If you want to undo achange you have made, just click the Undo Changes image185272506.jpg icon.

Changing the style of geodata

For changing the style of geodata just mark the data set(s) to be changed and click the image1934487917.jpg icon. An assistant will open which offers various tabs. Fur further info please refer to Style in in the Marks and Geodata chapter.

Copying and moving

It is quite easy to organize data in the QV X-Plorer. You just need to create the desired databases and tables with the appropriate names and then reorganise your data by moving maps, routes, tracks and waypoints wherever you like. For this purpose QV will use the standard Window functions such as Cut, Copy, Paste or Drag and Drop.

Basically, almost anything can be copied or moved anywhere. However, you must follow these rules:

  • The data that is to be copied or moved (the source data) must  be highlighted first.
  • Thereafter, use the Cut image699288823.jpg or Copy image752822566.jpg icons either from the symbol bar or select the same functions from the pop-up menu after right click on the element to be cut or copied. You can also press Ctrl+X or Ctrl+C on the keyboard. (Please note that when selecting Cut, the source data will not be deleted until it is pasted).
  • Then, mark the database object where you want the data to be inserted and click the Paste image1408306980.jpg icon or select the same function form the the pop-up menu. You can also press Ctrl+V on the keyboard.
  • The place for pasting the source data must be one level up, so if you have highlighted and copied some waypoints, you must click on a waypoint table before pasting. If you have copied a table, the target must be a database.
  • Source and target must not be the same. You cannot paste a waypoint into its own waypoint table. This would duplicate the waypoint. Route waypoints are an exception from this rule because the same waypoint may occur several times throughout a route.
  • You cannot paste data to write protected databases or to the geographic names database, but you can copy data from these sources and paste them to other databases which are not write-protected.
  • It does not matter whether you copy or paste in the list window, the tree window or in another QV X-Plorer window. All is possible.
  • The paste function is automatically blocked if the source data cannot be pasted into the selected place, for example due to the fact that they are not suitable for the selected target.

Drag and Drop

It is even easier to move or copy data by a drag and drop operation with the mouse:

  • Highlight the source data through a simple click with the left mouse button. You can also mark several objects.
  • Then, left-click on the selected objects (which are highlighted in blue), hold the mouse button down and drag the objects to the desired place. Depending on what kind of data you have selected, you must use a table, database or dierectoty as target. Then simply release the left mouse button and the objects will be inserted.
  • If you want to copy the source data insted of moving them, just press the Ctrl button on the keyboard before dragging.

The mouse pointer will change its appearance while moving the data:

Moving several objects
Copying several objects (Ctrl button pressed)
Moving one object
Copying one object (Ctrl button pressed)
It is not possible to drop the selected objects here.

Displaying data on maps

One of the most important functions in QV is displaying the data on maps. As all data is saved with geographical coordinates and all maps are geo-referenced, QV can display all data on any maps. Data and coordinate or grid conversions are done automatically. Thus, You can visualize a track on several different maps and decide which map is the best suited. A waypoint, track, route or drawing element on the map is referred to as a mark.

To display a mark on a map, just select the desired data in the QV X-Plorer so that they are highlighted and then click the Show on Map image1780113724.jpg icon in the symbol bar. Alternatively, you can double-click the selected objects or simply press Enter on the keyboard. However, please note, that double clicking on a track, route or trainings element will open this element and list all points of the selected object.

Thereafter, the Show-in-map assistant will open. For further information please refer to the chapter Displaying marks and geodata.

The AutoStart database

A special function is linked to the AutoStart database.

When you start QV, all parameters stored in this database will be loaded and displayed accordingly.

Physically, this is a standard QV database which was renamed to AutoStart. Just as with any other databases, this database can handle any number of waypoint, route, track and drawing tables.

You can also copy a map table to this database which will also be automatically loaded during the starting process; however this map table should contain one map only. The map specified here will be dominant to the software switch titled QV start: automatically open last map under Options - Settings - Map.

To use this function follow these steps:

  • Create a new database
  • Rename this database to AutoStart
  • Delete the tables that you do not need
  • Paste the tables from other databases containing all objects which you want to be plotted after starting QV
  • If you want to have a certain map displayed each time you start the program, create a map table and copy the desired map.

Note: If the AutoStart database contains several maps, QV will always display the first map. All other maps will be ignored. The “first” map is defined by the map which you copied to this map table first.

Printing of data in a list

You can print all marked and highlighted data from the X-Plorer by clicking the Print list icon. The data will be printed in the units currently set and in the current sorting order.

What will be printed will depend on what you mark. The following lists can be printed:

  • Routes with route waypoints (if you mark all waypoints within a route)
  • Route lists without waypoints (if you select a route table)
  • Individual route waypoints
  • Waypoints
  • Tracks with all trackpoints  (if you mark all points within a track)
  • Track lists without trackpoints (if you select a track table)
  • Map lists

Just highlight the required data in the list window and click the Print list icon.

The lists will be printed with the current printer settings. These can be changed at any time under File - Print… in the pull down menu of the main menu bar.