Table of Contents
With the poweruser-version QV can now read many GIS-file formats and display it as maps. The settings like colour and filling of the map-objects can be adjusted comfortable. Normally you have complete notices concerning projection and coordinate system, so these maps don´t need to be calibrated in QV.
GIS-files are imported by the map-import-assistent, when you choose the option Gis-Files. Please look at chapter New maps import.
In QV the maps are as all other maps available in 2D or 3D modus and with various functions.
But there are also some added functions, which are not possible with normal maps.
In an opened map you will see in the style-dialogue of a GIS-map another tab GIS:
By a double click on a lyyer another dialogue with many different setting options opens.
All options of this dialogue, for example the presentation of colours and other presentation parameters, also dependend from data base values, are explained in detail PDF-Dokument. You will find it also in QuoVadis 6-program list as Gis_Properties.pdf.
After you have imported a GIS-file as a map, it exist first a layer. You can add more files by clicking on Layer add , which appear then each as additional layers. For exampel, when you have different SHP-files, which you want to present all together in one map in QV, then start by importing the first SHP as a new map. Then please open this map and add other SHP-files there. This approach replaces the in Q4 well-known QVP or QVC-projects.
By Layer delete you will delete a layer of the map. The file on the disk will be preserved.
Data Base -Infos
Many GIS-files contain database-information of several geometry-elements, for example for SHP-files they are available as dBase-file (dbf). Please click on the button database infos to open a window, which contains all database-infos of this map.
You can let this window open, also when you close the style-dialogue. You can sort the list and jump to the particular object by double click onto a line in the map.
When the display of tooltips is activated, you will be displayed in the tooltip the database-info to this object where the mouse is. Additionally this obkect is displayed in the database-table, when you click on in the map.
Export in Drawing
A GIS-map can not be edited in QV. When you like to change it, you can transfer it in Drawing. Therefore please copy the map in a drawing table in the Xplorer. The geometry and the actual defined colours are transferred, but not the extended database-information.
Supported Formates
The following vector-file formats can be readed:
DLG (Digital Line Graphs) DGN DXF-ASCII(AutoCad Export format) DXF-BINARY (AutoCad Export format) DWG 2000 E00-ASCII(ArcInfo Export Format) E00-BINARY (ArcInfo Export Format) FME (eequires FME installtion) GDAL / OGR GDF 3.0 GML 3.1.1 (Geographic Markup Language) GPX (GPS Exchange Format) GSHHS (Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shorelines) JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) KML (Google Earth Keyhole Markup Language) LandXML MIF (MapInfo Import Format) OSM (OpenStreetMap) SDTS-TCP (TVP-Topological Vector Profile) SHP (ArcView Shape Format) S-57 (Marine charting format) TAB (Map Info Vector format) TIGER/Line VPF 3.0 (Vector Product Format) WFS (OpenGIS Web Feature Service layer)
ADF (ArcInfo Integer Grid) BIL BMP BT (Binary Terrain Grid) CADRG DEM (USGS Digital Elevation Models) DT0 (Digital Terrain Elevation Data level 0) DT1 (Digital Terrain Elevation Data level 1) DT2 (Digital Terrain Elevation Data level 2) ECW (file based) ECWP (server based) FLT (Arcinfo Float Binary Grid) GIF GRD (Arcinfo ASCIIGrid) GRD (Surfer ASCIIGrid) IMG (ERDAS IMAGINE) JPEG JPEG2000 MrSID PNG SDTS-RPE (Raster Profile and Extensions) WMS - OpenGIS Web Mapping Service Layer TIFF (uncompressed, LZW, packbits, group4)