Upload to GPS
Today, many sources for GPS data are available. Besides tour planing in QV, you can also download various types of geodatea (waypoints, tracks, routes, geocaches, etc.) from many internet GPS platforms.
Following, we describe the upload of a route to a GPS unit as an example. Please proceed as follows:
- Connect your GPS with the serial or USB cable with your PC and switch it on. You have to configure the interface to your GPS unit once in order to enable data communication. Most GPS units will be identidied automatically when clicking the Send to GPS or Receive from GPS icons. For further advice please refer to the chapter Connecting your GPS to a PC.
- Mark the route(s) which you want to upload (see below).
- In the first window (below right) QV will list the detected GPS unit(s) and the corresponding Ports. If more than one GPS unit is connected, you can choose from various brands or ports, or trigger an automatic scan through the Find GPS button. Simply tickmark one of the listed models.
- Continue with Next or directly start the export by clicking Finish.
* If you continue with Next windows 2 and 3 of the assistent will open. Currently window 2 (below left) only allows to activate an additional option. In window 3 you can specify if the GPS unit should be switched off after the upload has been finished.
* The Upload process will be visualized by a progress bar. When the data upload is finished, window 4 of the assistent will be updated and show a summarizing message about the uploaded data:
Thereafter you can disconnect your GPS from the PC and you will find the uploaded geodata in the corresponding menus of your GPS unit.