
18 years QV…….

Neue Funktionen in QV 7

07.12.2013 (
- neu: Kartenexport für QuoVadis Mobile

25.11.2013 (
- neu: Filter im Andere Karte-Assi.
- neu: aktualisierte Tatuk- und Ecw-Lib
- neu: Schalter “Open with Tatuk” im map-style

07.11.2013 ( Release)
- neu: User Webtile-Maps auf für lokal gespeicherte Tiles

05.08.2013 (
- neu: Im PM werden Elemente grau dargestellt, die Aufgrund einer Sichtbarkeits-Regel im aktuellen Zoom nicht sichtbar sind

04.08.2013 (
- neu: Schalter “Landcontur” im PM bei Garmin-maps

01.07.2013 (
- neu: Zur nächsten/vorherigen Station springen im Navi

14.06.2013 (
- Release QV7

Neue Funktionen in QV 6

19.12.2012 (
- neu: GoogleMaps “Bike”

10.11.2012 (
- neu: Export nach DXF

23.10.2012 (
- neu: Monitor abgedunkelt im GPS-Online Menü
- neu: Drucken des aktuellen Kartenausschnittes (screenshot) für Easyroutes

29.09.2012 ( (cf52)
- neu: export für ERTF GPS-Raid Tool, simples csv-file mit WPs
- neu: Trackprozessor Zeiten aus vorhandener Geschwindigkeit berechnen

19.08.2012 (
- neu: Entfernung/Course in Routenlinien

15.08.2012 (
- neu: Google-Suche in Strg-P

08.08.2012 (
- neu: GPS-Online Navi: einfaches einfügen von Zwischenzielen

11.07.2012 (
- neu: Anordnung Liste-Details opt. nebeneinander
- neu: Orthogonale Hilfslinien beim Kalibrieren unkalibrierter Karten

02.07.2012 (
- neu: Telogisrouting: Zwischenstationen optimieren (nur PU)
- neu: Garmin Astro im Multitracking (nur PU)

22.06.2012 (
- neu: Jpeg2000 (nur PU)

26.05.2012 (
- neu: Button Pick im Stil Vektorkarten, um bei Garmin-Karten einfach ein Mapobject zu identifizieren zum Ändern

19.05.2012 (
- neu: Anpassung für EasyRoutes 2

29.04.2012 (
- neu: Schalter “WP und TR-Tabellen als einfachen Anzeige-Layer laden” im “Assi-In Karte anzeigen” zur schnellen Anzeige großer WP- und Track-Tabellen

13.04.2012 (
- neu: Datentyp DateTimeOLE im Csv-Import

06.04.2012 (
- neu: Scroll-offset bei Sim und Gps-Online einstellbar in Settings-Map-Scroll
- neu: DB-Shortcut “Online-maps”
- neu: neue Online-Karten maps.stamen.com 01.04.2012 (
- neu: Möglichkeit ein offset-x einzugeben beim SHP-Import

23.03.2012 (
- neu: AKB ähnlich wie in QV4, einblenden zum Editieren im PM/intern

20.02.2012 (
- neu: GPS-Online: drei separate Trip-counter (Trip, Nav und Pos separat ein/ausblendbar)
- neu: Trackfarben-Modus “Rückenwind”
- neu: bei IMG-Karten kann die Detaillierung der Karten-Anzeige angepasst werden:

  • Stil-Vektorkarte-Allgemein-Allg. Faktor Layerzoom:
  • 1=default; >1=mehr Details, langsamer; <1=weinger Details, schneller
  • Im Projektmanager können die Layer POI, Polylinie, Polygon einzeln geschaltet werden

16.01.2012 (
- neu: 3D-Optionen Überflutung
- neu: Import qu2-dbs

01.01.2012 (
- Release QV6

Neue Funktionen in QV 5

19.09.2011 (
- neu: Markierungen aus Karten nach GE exportieren

17.09.2011 (
- neu: GPS-Online: Manuelles Karte verschieben schaltet Mapcenter für eine einstellbare Zeit aus

02.09.2011 (
- neu: Trackprozessor Höhe

12.08.2011 (
- neu: Schalter “Format Metergitter”in Einheiten
- neu: Export WPs nach NMEA-$GPWPL
- neu: Export Tracks nach NMEA-$GPRMC

20.07.2011 (
- neu: GPS-Online-Options: Speedcircle
- neu: GPS-Online-Options: Andock-Fenster wegblenden oder offenlassen beim Start vom Touchscreen-Modus
- neu: GPS-Online: Anzeige von Pos/Nav im Kartenfenster aus dem Touchscreen-Modus auch im normalen Modus zuschaltbar

14.07.2011 (
- neu: SHP Im/Export als Track und WP
- neu: MT-APRS

01.07.2011 (
- neu: speichert GPX-Satcount am Trackpunkt
- neu: erste Beta vom Bitmap-Export für Magellan eXplorist

24.06.2011 (
- neu: erste Beta vom Multitracking, zunächst nur Tracking-Gateway

11.06.2011 (
- neu: erste Beta vom Roadbook-Editor

06.06.2011 (
- neue Programmsprachen: Ital. und Franz.
- neue Onlinemap hikebike

18.05.2011 (
- neu: Zeichnungen, Gis-Dateien 07.05.2011 (
- neu: “Autostart Projekt” in Einstellungen-Allgemein

03.05.2011 (
- neu: für Navteq: Allg. Faktor Layerwechsel und Linienbreite in Stil-Vectormap

26.04.2011 (
- neu: “Stil, Trackprozessor, Statistik” auch im Popup im Baumfenster bei Routen und Tracks
- neu: Karten-Import auch mit TFW-Worldfiles

25.04.2011 (
- neu: Schalter “Garmin: nur Active Log” beim Trackdownload
- neu: “Stil” auch im Popup im Baumfenster bei Routen und Tracks

21.04.2011 (
- neu: PCX5 Track-Import

15.04.2011 (
- neu: “Umbenennen” in der Edit-Toolbar

13.04.2011 (
- neu: Quick Backup beim Programmende, sichert alle qv5dbs in ein Zip
- neu: Fläche in Trackstatistik

29.03.2011 (
- neu: Schalter “Ins Infofeld schreiben” in Track-Statistik

22.03.2011 (
- neu: Anpassung für Swissmap-QBR

16.03.2011 (
- neu: Druckqualität beim Karte drucken in dpi einstellbar
- neu: Sportiva+ TRK als Trainings importieren
- neu: Zeiten im Routen-Prozessor

14.03.2011 (
- neu: (pu) Fenster - Größe ändern
- neu: Routen-Prozessor im Detailbereich (mit Route umdrehen, verbinden und teilen)
- neu: IMG senden ins Garmin und Wiki.

21.02.2011 (
- neu: Senden/Empfangen mit TomTom

17.02.2011 (
- neu: Option letzte Karte/Projekt öffnen beim Start

10.02.2011 (
- neu: Onlinekarte www.wanderreitkarte.de mit Zugangsticket

28.01.2011 (
- neu: Schalter “Garmin: nur Active Logs speichern” im Empfangen-Assistenten
- neu: Option “Kein Symbol” im Style für WPs
- neu: Automatisch Nummerieren

27.01.2011 (
- neu: Schalter “Garmin: Tracks im Active-Log speichern” im Senden-Assistenten

11.01.2011 (
- neu: Suchpfade für Links im settings-program-files
- neue Onlinemaps: OpenCycleMap

18.12.2010 (
- neu: Hauptmenü - Fenster - Kartenfenster anordnen

16.12.2010 (
- neu: Duplizieren und verschieben im Deteilbereich

13.12.2010 (
- neu: Spalte Land in WP-Tabellen
- neu: nmea-import

09.12.2010 (
- neu: Anpassung für IGN-France

23.11.2010 (
- neu: TRP-Filter nach FP

07.11.2010 (
- neu: Autoupdates: dev- oder release-version auswählbar

25.10.2010 (
- neue vmi.dll für Kümmerly+Frei Karten

20.10.2010 (
- neu: Zeichenreihenfolge GarminCustomMaps

16.10.2010 (
- neu: QV-Cursor in GE anzeigen und GE-Ansicht in QV einstellen

29.09.2010 (
- neu: Dem-Import auch über Kartenimport-assistent möglich
- neu: db_shortcuts in standard toolbar

25.09.2010 (
- neu: Button im Xplorer “In Karte zeigen direkt, ohne Assistent”, siehe auch Wiki

24.09.2010 (
- neu: Schalter “Unicode in Karte” in Einstellungen-Allgemein

18.09.2010 (
- Release QV5

New functions in QV 4

Vector maps:

- Garmin IMG map format: read, write, send to GPS - DXF files can be imported as a map (Davinci, emf) and will be calibrated automatically in the lat/lon - SHPs can be opened as a map - new QVM vector format which can combine various SHPs in one file including attributes - all vector maps can be used as overlays and be projected on any raster map, even several at a time

Raster maps:

- can now also process Bayo edition 3 maps - neuw tiled raster format QTL      - ECWP files from mapservers are implemented

AutoNEW: - Route planning with the new options “Street route” and “Altitude profile” - Track panning with the new option “Altitude profile”

Multi XY diagram: multiple tracks or routes can be plotted, automatic recalculation if tracks or routes are modified.
Much more functions can now be handled per drag and drop.
Track processor for a flexible and comfortable editing of tracks
GPS online mode:

- Touchscreen mode for GPS-Online - Define new destination as vectror projection from distance and bearing (Cap, Dist). - Dynanamic routing with optional voice guidance / turn-by-turn navigation (NAVTEQ Navi maps required)

GPS: - “Auto Detect GPS” will automatically search and identify GPS units from Garmin, Magellan or NMEA compatible devices on all COM and USB ports - GPS name check definitions can be edited and will be stored for each GPS model

X-Plorer: - Many spreadsheet field im the X-Plorer list display can now be edited as in a Excel spreadsheet - X-Plorer Pop-up menu option “open with file manager” for all files and folders - X-Plorer Pop-up menu option “open with …” for all maps; will open the default application for this file type - X-Plorer listen display of columns: new pop-up menu which allows to move or surpress the display of colums, sorting of colums by simple mouse-click  - Info field now also for tables and databases.

Multitracking Pro/PU: - SMS configuration: implements sending and receiving of SMS through a local GSM modem, e.g. in order to configure a Microtracker or a Webtracker - Port TCP:  New swith “Listen Port HTTP” which will provide a mini-webserver at the defined port which will handle http messages and will filter the position messages, for example position uploads from a SANAV webtrac4.

Multi-Trackreplay in order to compare simultaneously recorded tracks, e.g. to compare tracks of various competitors of a race.
Implementation of freely configurable event-action definitions, seperate for all defined vehicles/persons/assets.
and much more

New functions in QV 3

Completely new programming of the code, new compiler with a significantly improved performance.

Simplified, modernised screen with new, removable and dockable toolboxes and windows.

Up to three map windows can be opened at the same time in the full version. For example, a route can be worked out precisely on a detailed map while in another window the whole route remains visible in the overview map. In online mode, you will see your position at the same time in different maps.

New layer manager to retain an overview of all open maps with all the markings included quite easily. Levels can be shown and hidden.

The improved AutoNEW function makes it easy to create and change routes, even at the same time in several map windows. Elastic band when creating and changing points, precise entry of new points by direct entry of either coordinates or distance and direction or distance in X/Y direction.

New EasyNEW function: A new route, a new track or new waypoints can be created immediately without the need to select a database and table first. These are saved automatically in “My Data”.

Drawings now with a 2 level hierarchy. Just as waypoints can be grouped into routes, now drawing elements (i.e. rectangles, circles etc.) can be grouped into drawings.

Printing on several pages can be done easily. The section can be specified easily by simply moving the area to be printed directly on the map. Create pages to be printed directly from the map with the pop-up menu. Fill a whole page true to scale; print true to scale over several pages.

External links to files or Internet addresses are now shown on the map with the markings. Thus these links can be opened directly from the map simply by clicking on them. A miniature view is created for photos. Digital photos can automatically be allocated to a track using a time comparison.

GPS online mode completely new: instruments that can be set freely, function that can be placed as you like and route navigation with display of direction/ distance to the destination.

Multitracking using NMEA. Using a configurable station ID position signals can be allocated to the relevant vehicle and displayed separately. In the full version 2 vehicles can be tracked. licence extensions can be purchased for additional vehicles.

“Active map extent”

Garmin data transfer with later GPS units now up to 12 times faster because of the higher transfer rate.

IGC track logs can be imported using Import in X-Plorer. Overlays too (only poly lines) both as a track and also as a drawing.

Full support for Lowrance USR files via Import/Export in X-Plorer.

X added to XY diagram, jumps to the corresponding place in X-plorer.

New Special functions button in X-Plorer combines all functions that can otherwise only be reached via a pop up menu, such as digital camera support etc.

All pop up menus standardised. New: Color to quickly change the color of a marking directly on the map.

All the different settings combined centrally in a new settings window.

Markings window completely revised in the same style. With multiple selections in X-Plorer only the changed settings will be applied. Background color for each element can now be set separately.. Also trackpoints can now have their own color.

Tracks: New database fields: Track date, duration and time zone

trackpoints now with clear numbering even when re-sorted in X-Plorer.

Edit tracks: The Color selection window pop up menu assigns another color to the selected trackpoints.  The Copy window selection pop up menu copies the window selection. This can then be added to another track in X-Plorer. Thus an easy graphic combination of partial tracks into a new track.

Track reduction expanded:
Maximum number of trackpoints can be selected. Can be called up from X-Plorer using the Special functions menu. Save a calculated road route as a track. Can immediately be reduced automatically to a maximum number of points.

Drawing elements can then be copied in X-Plorer and added to tracks.

Extension of the GPS name check: New Compare name and coordinates button checks for real duplicates. (as before): Finds WP's that have the same name but different co-ordinates: Only finds WP's that have the same name AND the same coordinates. Mark-X: Selects all WP's found in X-Plorer for easy further processing (e.g. delete, copy etc.).

Navtech map can be overlaid on any grid map: Open the grid map as usual then right click on the Navtech map in the X-Plorer and select Show (Overlay) from the pop up menu.

Routing: List of the last waypoints used in the routing window. The 10 last used WP's, ODB entries or addresses from the vector data search are listed here. trackpoints, map points and route WP's are not saved.

QV Internet Update Check added as a new item to the ? menu so that you can easily look up whether there are any new updates.

New functions in QV 2.51

A new interface in QV in order to send easily maps including its calibration from QV to PathAway.

A new interface in QV to transmit waypoints, routes and tracks between PathAway and QV.

A new multipage function. With this function several pages along the route can be printed out automatically

at any scale.

The German version of PathAway, a GPS navigation software for PDA with Palm-OS version 3 or higher.

In addition, PathAway can load waypoints, routes and tracks from Garmin® GPS devices. With this new

feature it is possible to collect track data as many as you like. During your journey just save your data on a

small Palm PDA with PathAway.

In addition to the well known vector maps of Teleinfo, we now included in our program vector maps of the

company Navtech. These maps are available one by one or in a set together with the Palm navigation

software Digi-Map 2002 from Harald Körtge.

There is a new interface in QV for the creation of routes and maps for Digi-Map 2002 on the basis of Navtech

vector maps, and to send these directly to a Palm device. Furthermore, tracks stored in a Palm by Digi-Map

2002 can be loaded and saved in QV.

New functions in QV 2.5

The Teleinfo vector map, Teleatlas, street names in Europe.

Street routing, calculating the fastest, best or shortest route using start and destination point information.

Intermediate stops are possible with automatic distance optimisation.

Results as a traditional route description, as a GPS route of the important stations or as a GPS track with the

exact road sequence for uploading into a GPS or also as a Roadbook.

Uploading the route into the GPS or printing out into a Roadbook for simple navigation.

Search for post codes, towns, city parts, street names and sometimes even house numbers with the Teleinfo

CDs throughout Europe.

Rapid calculation of a route from the current position to the destination in online mode.

Night mode, dimmed screen for journeys with a laptop at night.

Information on track and waypoint altitudes is now managed in the database.

Information on altitudes can also be obtained from DEMs (Digital Elevation Models).

Currently the USGS Globe 30 Program DEMs and the Top50v3 CD DEMs are supported.

XY diagram: new tool for graphical evaluation and representation of tracks and routes.

Speed, altitude from the GPS or altitude from the DEM can be recorded and checked depending on the

distance or the journey time.

3D diagram: new tool for showing altitude information. Tracks and routes are drawn three-dimensionally and

can be shown with a 3D model of the region from the DEMs. You can “fly” through this imaginary world using

the keyboard arrows.

External links to QV X-Plorer: File names, directory names, web links and e-mail addresses can be allocated

WPs, tracks, routes and maps. The link or links then appear underlined in blue in the info field and can be

opened by clicking on them.

Long routes and tracks can now be divided up automatically.

Before uploading data into the GPS the name can be checked to avoid overwriting files with the same


Support for MLR GPS units

Reads Lizardtech SIC maps.

Simplified calibration by importing Word files.

Most windows can now be maximised.

Track replay has been linked with the XY and 3D diagrams.

New setup program.

And many small improvements in detail and bugs fixed (as always)

New functions in QV 2.0

If you know QuoVadis 1.62, here are some changes and new functions.

The name has changed from QuoVadis to QuoVadis

Complete revision of surfaces, symbols and menu bars

Completely new database and with QV X-Plorer a standard, simple to learn tool for managing all data. Link

from map.mdb to the maps in the directory is no longer there. The old WP, route and track windows are no

longer there.

Maps opened simply from CD ROMs with X-Plorer.

Simple organization of data with drag and drop or copy and paste

Improved print out of any lists

Database that can be used on a network

Powerful search functions

Supports GPS receivers by Magellan, Lowrance and Eagle

Supports NMEA equipment

Various national grids installed (Gauss_Krüger for example), or many of your own grids and data can also be


Calculates the magnetic declination at any point

Different mouse pointers can be selected in the map window:

right angle crosshairs, GPS north, magnetic north, map grids and magnifying glass.

Considerably quicker image appearance with many markings on the map. Number of visible markings almost


New drawing functions to create lines, circles, areas, freehand lines, labeling on the map with area


Road book editor for automatic conversion of a route into a printable road book with map clips.

Imports routes from route planners by Map & Guide and Marco Polo.

Opens ECW-Images

And lots more!

New functions in QV 1.6

New look with new toolbar and status bar.

Calibration is in conformity with projection, if parameters of map are known. This new version contains more

than 60 different map projections.

GPS online mode is completely revised, supports the Garmin PVT protocol.

Uniform input / output box for coordinates.

New function: Search point in all maps. The point you are looking for can be entered in all coordinate

systems supported by QV.

New function: You can identify the country below the mouse pointer. The name of country is displayed.

all projection types QV supports.

North arrow can be projected on the map.

If you press and hold the left mouse button, the map within the map window can be scrolled in real time by moving the mouse.

Support of NOAA(BSB) maps. These maps are already calibrated and can be directly opened from CD.

NOTE: This function is BETA in this version. Not all types of NOAA(BSB) maps can be opened at this time.

Please check our homepage for updates.

New functions in QV 1.52

Demo version now with all functions for 25 days.

This version of QV is a real 32bit program. For this reason, there is no version for Windows 3.11 anymore,

although QV 1.51 for Windows 3.11 still is on this CD (\16\SPRACHE\SETUP.EXE). But, we do not develop

further this version.

Unfortunately, the Geographic Names Database cannot be used anymore with Windows 3.11.

Maps can now be saved in JPEG or GIF format. This saves memory on hard disc, but increases the time for loading

since  the computer will internally always works with a 256 colors BMP format.

QV can be started with the following parameters:

ODB opens the Geographic Names Database during program start

ONLINE immediately opens the Garmin Online Mode

“File“ immediately opens the map “File”.

New functions in QV 1.51

The slider in map window moves the map within the map window in real time (with zoom 1:1 only).

In route and track window you can now mark several entries from the list by holding CTRL or SHIFT key

while clicking with mouse.

SHOW, PRINT, DELETE and SEND/EXPORT then process all marked routes and tracks.

With the function Reduce Track trackpoints can be deleted, if requested.

You can show trackpoints by any character via Options - Marks or Style in pop-up menu.

Saving of track in database is now 90% faster, showing track is 30% faster.

Program can be operated in English or German (Options – Settings - General).

Clearer cross hair in the map window.

In the field Point in Main Window you can now enter the point which shall be displayed on the map. It is even

possible with the overview map.

When calibrating even tenth seconds can be entered.

When calibrating UTM maps you do not need to enter the zone letter anymore.

With File – Export Calibration you can save the map calibration in a text file. This map can then be copied

together with this file to another directory or to another computer without loosing the calibration. During

calibration this file is created automatically.

In the three database windows WP, route and track you can create a text file with the marked data by

clicking the right mouse button on Send / Export. This text file can then be imported to another computer.

And many further little improvements and corrections.

New functions in QV 1.5

The main feature of the new QV 1.5 is that now you can work with several maps and that various functions

are integrated into the right mouse button.

The new function OVERVIEW shows you on a simple overview map all maps you have on your hard disk in

form of a rectangle true to scale You can open it by double click.

We supply overview maps of the whole world, Europe, Africa, ,Asia, Australia, North and South America.

Own overview maps can be defined easily.

The overview map can remain open in the background, but also be closed.

With the new function AUTOMAP always the current map is opened, whether you travel in Online mode or

when you reached the map border and need the neighboring map or if you press SHOW and the current map

does not contain this point. Also the function MARK OF FILE will find the right map itself.

With the right mouse button you can now open a pop-up menu at any point you like, see a list of all maps

which contain this point and neighbouring maps. Thus, you can open the corresponding map immediately and

change between two maps of the same region.

Waypoint, route and track marks also have pop-up menus. With the right mouse button you can save

waypoints, routes and tracks, append them to the active route, delete marks or data or you can open the


If you change maps, the marks of waypoints, routes and tracks remain in the same directory and will be

automatically calculated and drawn new. Thus, the maps can be compared.

Routes may cover several maps.

You always see all maps and waypoints/routes in the current directory. As option, the function AutoMAP and

the Map Overview can also work with all maps from the hard disk.

In the window UTM Calculator, the datum/ellipsoid list can be extended by other entries. So, also exotic

UTM maps can be used.

The marks of routes and tracks can be moved by mouse. Up to today, this was only possible with waypoint


Totally new is the track window, which - similar to the route and waypoint window - makes an administration

of your tracks possible.

The function “Maintain Database“ is extended by a map import function. Now, you can copy calibrated maps

from one directory into another, without losing the calibration.

New function: EXTERNAL DATABASE with about 5.000.000 places and coordinates of the whole world

with direct access to maps of the single countries.

Furthermore, you can also calibrate maps with Swiss Grid.

The calibration is much simplified by relief lines. QV can now foresee the position of next point in map and

moves the map section correspondingly.

The list of map reference systems (datum/ellipsoid) had been extended to in total 145. Now, all map

reference systems of Garmin and even some others are available.

Reception of Garmin data is now done via a new central window.