
QuoVadis Mobile is available for Windows Phone 8 in the Windows Phone App-Store: Download QuoVadis Mobile in the Windows Phone Apps-store

Main screen

After starting QuoVadis Mobile by tapping on the QVM icon on your smartphone, the application offers a variety of functions for you to use: map, GPS, find, database, live and help (this wiki)
Please note that the visual appearance may be different depending on the design settings of your smartphone!

Nearly all screens contain a menu bar on the lower bottom, which gives access to various functions. Tip on the three on the lower right corner of the navigation bar to open it:

A short note about whether you “QuoVadis Mobile allow the localization?”

Info about:
This menu items provides various information on the software you are using including the version number of the application or software version of your Windows Phone. If a new version is available, it will also shown there.

Here you can deactivate the Windows Phone's “Powersave” function, however the GPS will stay activated.

Note: You should the power saving function in the settings of WindowsPhone may manually disable or adjust in order to record tracks even when the display disabled. When power saving mode is enabled in the WindowsPhone, the internal GPS of the phone is switched off together with the display. If there, for example, “Always (not recommended)” is set, QVM can not receive GPS signals for the track log when display is off.

Center your own position always automatically and set the resolution of the active tracklog (low/middle/full).
Additionally you can determine if a route should be “automatically recalculated”.
Lastly, you can define whether you would like to use a female or male voice for the audio.

If you swipe to the next screen, the software allows you to define the format of the coordinates that are being displayed.
In addition it enables you to alter the date settings, although at the moment only the Wgs84 format is supported.

The “Back” button of your mobile always allows you to go back to the previous screen. If you are on the main screen, hitting the “back” button terminates the QVM application. In case you hit the “back” button on a screen that allows you to enter data, the button simply dismisses the data you entered. Thus, you will always find a separate button to save your input.

Pressing the “back” button for a longer period of time, you may switch between different applications. This is for example useful when you have opened SkyDrive in the background and thus allows for application-to-application switching.

Map view

Here you will find the Nokia-Here maps as the main map for the navigation. In the menu you will find the button “content”, where you can define different settings:

Using maps offline:
If you click on mobile settings, application and then maps, you will find Nokia-Here maps that may be downloaded on a per-country basis and can be used offline, i.e. without an active internet connection. The maps are free of charge!

Further, maps can be loaded as overlays and will be shown as overlay on the main map. You can generate Overlays in QuoVadis and export them. They are then available on the phone offline without an internet connection. Additionally you can generate a new online map in the database/maps. Therefore you need to enter your access credentials for the tile server.

Add new map Map cache

You also have the choice, similar to [QVC], to define the settings of the map cache to your liking.
As Note: You should always only activate one online map, anything, a weather layer to it. Otherwise, the WindowsPhone system may hang himself!

Add your own WMS map:
You can also include a WMS map in QVM. For this purpose, located in the DB My Data a sample map of Sachsen. In the forum, detailed explanation of the settings to be used is described.

Button of the map view:
On the upper edge of the map view you will find four buttons for quick access to the most important functions:

Like [QVC] also QVM has a map cursor, a small purple circle. Tip in the map to position the cursor. Tip in the menu on the cursor-button to open the related information. When you use the save function you can immediately generate a new waypoint who is stored in the “active DB” and with a click on the flag symbol you will start the routing to your cursor position.
opens a list with all important information concerning the actual navigation.
Here you can define a search. It will be searched relative to the current position.
Changes to the database page for track, route, waypoint and map administration.

When the GPS is activated the current position will be shown as a green triangle. If the tracklog is activated, you will see the track you have already travelled, as a blue line. Tip on the button “My position” in the menu bar below to see your position in the map. The button will change to a coloured triangle. When you drag the map, the coloured triangle button changes to an empty triangle, which indicates your position is not centerd in the moment.

Visible waypoints will be shown with a symbol and name in the map. Push the waypoint for a few seconds to open a popup menu to edit the waypoint WP hiding or editing.

Content pages:
On the “Content page”, available at , you can define individual settings.
You have the following options:

Bing Map Individual map setting, for example hybrid or terrain map.
Direction of travel at the top of the screen. Map is not aligned to north if you place a checkmark here.
Compass Displays the compass rose, as long as your Windows Phone supports a compass. Otherwise, the GPS compass will be used.
Map is shaded Reduces the brightscreen of the map screen
Show pedestrians attributes Shows for example escalators (image A), bridges etc in te map.
Show buildings If you choose the 3D view, buildings will be show in three dimensions. (image B)
Show perspective Shows the map as a 3D perspective.
Animation If the animation is enabled, the transition to your new position is done in a smooth and animated manner. If it is disabled, the map view will simply be switched.
View status bar Displays the statusbar of the Windows Phone which contains status information such as battery power and current time.
Content pages Content pages - Continued image A image B

In addition, you may hide the waypoints, routes or tracks in the map.

GPS, compass and weather screen

On the GPS screen you will find the current status, speed, direction and possibly other relevant information related to sun and moon. The menu allows you enable or disable the GPS as well as the tracklog function. Also you can delete the track Please also consider the settings on the main screen as they are also related to GPS and the phone's power saving functions.

In addition, you may transmit your current position. If you click on the Send my position key, your position is transmitted. On the “Live” tile the current state On-/Off (GPS or compass) is displayed.

Access the compass of your GPS (if your device supports a “magnetic” compass) by swiping to the next screen. The compass is also available in the map view, if you have enabled beforehand “content screen”!

On the weather page you will find the current weather data from the GPS position shown above. Weather and astronomical data, are indicated with in the waypoints in a DB, if the Hook is set.

XY-grafic for Tracks

If you have activated recording in the track log page, you can display this as already known from [QVC] show in an XY-grafic. This works with every track. eg. from the “GpsOnlineLogs” or any other DB.

Tap on the track and the “track info” window opens. Wipe to get to the XY graph.. With the + or key, you can zooming the track in or out. A “tap” in the track, a cursor appear whose position can be displayed on the map by tapping on . Press the key to access additional options for the track graph.

mark. point in XY mark. pointt in map

Search function, favourites and destinations

Here you can search for content. The request, you can differentiate more precisely, if you click the . (Either “card-cursor” or “your position”) The results are displayed in the lower button and may be calculated Route based on your starting point or stored as waypoint in the database. Or click on the search result to display it in the map.

Additionally, there is a list of favourites storing your favourite waypoints. The definition of favourites is described at Modification of waypoints.

You will also find your most recent destinations you either searched for, looked at or used as waypoints. Contrary to the list of favourites those items may not be removed. However individual favourites may be deleted by removing their star rating.

Note: If you are on the map screen, the search will be done on the basis of your current position. This is not the case if you are using the search function in this screen.

Search Search from … marked Favorites

Search in GPSies or OSM_POIs

In the current version of QVM you now have the option in the famous portal GPSies to search for tracks, or POIs in the OpenStreetMap. This is again differentiated between “Your_position” or the “Map_cursor”.

The search queries (eg. GPSies) can be according to various criteria. Would you like to find out more details to a track, so tap on it to “info” to obtain. With Open_URL go to GPSies website. Use to save the desired track in your active DB.

Database screen

Like [QVC], QuoVadis Mobile heavily relies on databases to store maps, waypoints, tracks and routes. The advantages of databases are:

  • efficient management of large amounts of data
  • easy data exchange with other QVM users
  • powerful search functions

These advantages are available if you are using QVM on your smartphone. By default the standard database My data (active) is used:

Selection screen for the database
Database content related to tracks Database content related to routes Database content related to waypoints Database content related to maps

The database screen is a pivot screen that allows for swiping between different types of contents. Entries may me marked, deleted or copied to other databases. By default, two databases are automatically defined:

  • GpsOnlineLogs, stores GPS-related and waypoint-related information
  • My data (active), by default the active database for waypoints

Using the “+” key you may create and enable a database based on your preferences. Please note that the database name may not contain special charcters! Moreover please note that you cannot create more than seven databases! If this limit is reached, you will be notified.

If you click on an entry, you will see the details and may make changes.

Property waypoints Edit waypoint Property trackpoint Edit trackpoint

By default, QVM has 3 databases whose use is intended:

  1. My data: Here are listed all the cards, also the waypoints, routes and tracks that you have imported, or edit in the app itself (eg from [QVC]).
  2. GpsOnlineLogs: This is for all your track records.
  3. Shared positions: Here are all the people you to track, waypoints generated. And on the track page you will find the track logs, that may have been recorded in QVM.

Live screen

Login to Windows Live Logged into Windows Live Send data into the cloud Import data

This screen allows to upload QVM databases into the cloud. Likewise, you may import databases and maps from the cloud or the SD memory card.
In QVM Live “List Folder” means

  • Local ⇒ what you have already stored in QVM
  • Cloud ⇒ (One) SkyDrive
  • SD card ⇒ The inserted memory card

Alternatively, to import data into QVM, you may receive databases or maps via email or as a link from a website such as Dropbox.

Databases have the file extension *.sdf, maps use *.qmz. If you click or download such a file, they will be opened with QVM and imported. The SDF can be easily transfered to other QVM to pass user and use immediately.

Lastly, you may share your location with other [QVC] or QVM users. Please see share my location for further information.

QVM tools

This section explains various tools and functions as used in QVM. Thus you may quickly check the meaning of the pictograms displayed in the application.

Opens a sub-menu on the current screen which then gives access to further options!
OK, confirms the data you entered.
Imports data from the cloud or the SD memory card. Files need to have *.sdf, *.gpx or *.qmz extensions.
Exports data to the cloud. Again, file extensions need to be *.sdf or *.gpx.
Generic symbol to delete a marked file.
This symbol displays a selection on the map.
Generic button for making selections. May also contain a circle.
Cursor on the map, like in Quo Vadis.
Importance of position arrow on the map: Green fix OK, yellow still no fix, red no GPS reception
Map view: Zoom in. Other screens: Adds an additional item (e.g. a database)
Map view: Zooms out.
Map view: Stores the position in the “GpsOnlineLogs-DB”. Other screens: Stores the marked item, in “active” DB.
Map view: Centers the map view to your current position. A “filled” triangle will show you that your position is centered.
Curser route, eg. Curser route is activ.
Flag symbol - If you click on this symbol, the route will be calculated.
This gives information or more detailed descriptions..
Shows the different elements of your route in a list.
Predefined values. Typically possible values will be suggested once you click on an item (like on the database screen)
Allows for the marking of invidiual items (e.g. in a list of waypoints).
Allows you to copy some item or if you have already copied something, it will be added.