
QuoVadis Mobile is a navigation software. Thus it allows you to easily navigate to a stored waypoint based on your current position, search for and then navigate to a particular address or town or used an existing route as defined in [QVC].

Voice output

At first we would like to point out that a specific aspect concerning an accurate voice output may be necessary for some users to take into consideration. Some producer (e.g. NOKIA©) have installed only one “system voice”, which is mostly in English language.

If so, you can find it out under “settings ⇒ speech recognition”.

“Depending on model” you are using, a female voice is used for text-to-speech output. Voice recognition and voice output is by default done in English.

In this special case the language for the speech recognition needs to be changed. Additional the same procedure is necessary if the language for the speech recognition is not insatlled. This will be indicated on a number shown under the language, e.g. English, 30 MB, which means that the speech package has to be downloaded.

This process will start automatically after the selection. We recommend an active WLAN-connection because the downloading process may take some time. Otherwise you should have ordered a “Data flat”. After downloading and installing successfully English as “Voice for text-to-speech” it is available in QVM.

Selecting your way of routing

QVM is able to calculate different routing ways.

  • E.g. by address or location which you enter,
  • or by name, which is part of an existing database,
  • or by your own phone contacts
  • or by selecting previous destinations,
  • or by your favorite destinations, which you have already marked as favorit,
  • or directly in the map to the map cursor.
location or address in existing database from your phone contacts
previous destinations own favorites

The different routing options

Here are the possibilities of routing are described:

  • Routing by “finding”
  • Routing by waypoints
  • Routing with the cursor
  • Track navigation

Routing by "finding"

In this case you have selecting your destination by the function “finding”, either with an address or by an exiting database, then you need to mark your destination and tip at the small flag at the lower screen. The route to your waypoint will be calculated from your location.

You have also the opportunity to define your routing preferences.

QVM provide various “calculation options”:

  • On- or offroad-routing
  • Driving or walking
  • Fastest and shortest route

Now you can see the calculated route, which is always coloured in purple in [QVC]. Additionally you will hear driving instructions. (Bild-1)

By tapping the “yellow” field you will get more options for the route:

  • Recalculation of the route (possibly with other routing preferences), (Picture-2)
  • A list view of the route
  • You can stop the navigation
  • or you can generate the route again
Picture-1 Picture 2

In the list view you have two options:

  • to return the calculated route A
  • or to display a “detailed” list of stations B & B1
A B B1

Routing by waypoints

As usual in [QVC] you can generate and calculate a route by your defined “route-waypoints”. It may be a little difficult to select the right position of the cursor but with a little practice it will be no problem.

Please open the menu “Cursor” in the map view for defining the RWPs (Route-waypoints).

Tap on the DB and select your database, into which you want to store the route. Wipe to the window “Routes” and tap at + to enter the name of the new route. For example I choose test route. Please mark it “as visible” and save it.

Go back to the map view and generate your first RWP at the desired point with the Cursor. Immediately the WP Info window will open and you have the possibility to enter another name of the RWP.
Important: Put a check at “Route WP”! Then save the RWP. It will be shown in the map view now.

When you generate a new RWP in the similar way, you will see parts of the route in the map view like you know it from [QVC].

If you have finished your route, tap the small flag in the window WP Info to calculate the route. If you like, you can define your routing preferencies. Therefore tap on the above.

The route will be calculated and displayed in the map view. So you can see your connected RWP and the calculated route (purple colour).

You have also the option to see the “list view”. Alternatively you can reverse the calculated route.

Last but not least the route can be calculated directly to the map cursor in the map. Therefore the cursor need to be positioned at the desired point in the map and the destination flag must be activated by tapping the button Cursor.

Routing with the cursor

Who wants to plan a trip already fast for the day before a route can accomplish this via the cursor routing. The route thus created can be saved or calculated immediately from the current position.

Switch to the Map page to and tap once on the icon. There are the “routing preferenzes” opens so you can specify the type of routing. Then the icon for create more points remain “active”.

If you have created all the waypoints “cursor route” can be stored in the active DB.

Tap “once” into the route table and your cursor route takes you to the “Route Info”. Wipe the RWPs to possibly modify / shorten the labeling of the RWPs. Just type “twice” in the between target (for example) the intermediate target and a window with the different options are opened. The top selection will lead you to WP Info. Here you can change appearance and labeling of the WP.

If your compiled route is finished, you can calculate this immediately. If you are not on the “entry point” of the route is not calculated there. Just type in the usual way on the icon to calculate the route.

Track navigation

In the track navigation You can use existing tracks, be it their own or downloaded from GPSies, also with navigation prompts.

The following procedure is required:

  1. Open the DB to be used with the track. In our example: LOUDINI_20140108
  2. Tap the track info to track access
  3. Select the symbol for the route calculation (A preference selection is not available)
  4. The calculated route is visible on the map with turn by turn directions
  5. If you want, you can even put the original track below the calculated route
  6. It may be the station list will be displayed here as well to reverse the route if necessary
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.

Export of route in GPX format from QV

You are able to predefine a route in [QVC]. This is useful for example when you would like to define or examine a route prior to actually taking it.

When you have finished your route/s, you need to export it then to GPX_11. Please note procedure. If you have exported the GPX on SkyDrive in the file “QVM_Data”, you are now able to import it into your selected database.

  1. Change the cloud under Live and “Listing file” (picture A)
  2. Start the import (picture B)
  3. The imported route will be displayed under Database with its length, duration and number of RWPs (picture C).
picture A picture B picture C

Now tap on the imported route to see it in the “Route window”. By marking it as “visible in map”, you can see the route planning in the map screen.

Of course the route can be calculated directly! Hereby you can also define your calculation “Präferenzen”. After the calculation the route will be shown in the map screen and you can start your trip.

The several stop overs of your route can you see as a list and delete or change if necessary. For this purpose tap “long” on the entry until the “Edit Window” opens.

Edit the RWPs

Like in [QVC] you can edit the several RWPs or the style of the RWP-line. Therefore wipe from the WP Info window to the next window and you will find the button Style of the route line.

This function allows you to choose another colour or to change the line width. (von XS bis XL)
With another wipe you will come to the several RWPs where you can select the RWPs by different options:

  • Info about a RWP,
  • Show the RWP in the map,
  • Change the order of the RWPs,
  • or delete.