Mapexport from QuoVadis for QVM

You are able to export various maps from [QVC] to QVM, which can be used by your phone offline without an active internet connection. The export requires the installation of the actual version of [QVC], which is from QV-Version

The map engine in QVM is based on the so-called Mercator projection which is also used by e.g. Google, OSM. Therefore the raster map is divided into grid-formed tiles of 256×256 pixels.

For the map export [QVC] is forming the selected parts of the map as tiles and saving them as a zip file with the ending *.qmz. Additionally you will find an automatically generated small xml-file in the zip file which contains information about zoom level or expansion.

If you select an existing QMZ-file for the export new tiles will be added easily and tiles which are already exist will be replaced. Please notice that the existing file will not be overwritten.

The maximum size of the exportable region is also for QVM depending on the licensor of the map and will be shown to you on the status bar of the export dialogue. Furthermore, no special characters and spaces should be in the card name!

Activate QMZ Export

The export of maps in Mercator projection from [QVC] directly to QVM is only possible for online maps. The maximum size of the map section is limited for licensed maps. If you like to export another type of map e.g. a topo map, you need to upload it at first as an overlay to another online map. So the map can be re-projected on Mercator. We recommend to hide the online-map by the project manager to avoid that it will be exported, too.

In the map export assistant on the start screen select QVM as the destination.

On the second screen you need to enter the desired zoom factor, as with any other exports. Maybe you need a little moment to find out the best zoom factor for a good visualization of the map screen on your phone. For a map scale with 1:25.000 you can regular go until 13%.

Example for the export of a map section Ausschnittes from Top25-D:

  • Open for example the OpenStreetMap and take the Top25-D as an overlay
  • Zoom to your chosen location until you see the Top25 in the same size as you want to see in QVM
  • The [QVC]- status bar will show you e.g. 2D 20% l=3 on the right below
  • Then please enter as a zoom factor 20(%) on the assistant screen and click on the Map button
  • Now select the desired section of the map screen by zooming out of the map and press the button Reset which you will find This view
  • Start the export, step 4/4

Result of the export Exported Section

Map transfer to QVM

You can transfer the generated QMZ-file to your mobile phone in different ways.


  • Create a folder “QVM_DATA” on your SD-card and copy the QMZ to it
  • Select SD_Card on the live-page in QVM to show the content


  • Create a folder “QVM_DATA” in your SkyDrive and copy QMZ to it
  • Log in at SkyDrive in QVM on the live-page
  • Select Cloud to show the content

Now look at your list and select Import from the menue bar. The QMZ-map will be copied to the internal memory and entered in the map table. The QMZ is no longer needed after this.


  • You can also use another cloud, for example drop box
  • Upload the QMZ to your cloud
  • Browse to your cloud within your Windows Phone let show you the files
  • Download the QMZ
  • QVM will be opened automatically and imports the map to the import screen


  • Create a new email and add QMZ as an attachement. Then send it to an address, which is accessible for you on your Windows 8 Phone
  • Open the email on your Windows Phone and click on the attachement(the QMZ file)
  • QVM will be opened automatically and imports the map to the import screen

Important note: By the similar way you can also send databases (*.SDF) and GPX-files to QVM.