Alps DEM SRTM1 raster 30m

Item number: D20100

Version: QV7, QVX
Download: ca. 297 MB
Alps, digital elevation modelsl (DEM),raster resolution of 1" (ca. 30 m)

49,00 €

including 19% VAT.

Shipping time: 0 - 2 workdays

Data were constructed by retracing topo maps These data need QuoVadis 6. They are not compatible with older TTQV-versions! This map cannot be used with QVX.
Lieferung: Download, optional "Sicherungskopie der aktuellen Bestellung" auf DVD/USB ohne Versandkosten
Delivery: Download, optional add item "Backup copy of your order" to receive order on DVD/USB, no shipping costs apply