Always on top - New elevation data for QuoVadis

19.09.2020 00:19

New in the QuoVadis Shop are now high resolution elevation data for the Alps, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Spain and Portugal with a very accurate resolution of 25m/1cm. The resolution is much better than the known SRTM3 elevation data. It optimizes the representation of terrain and also offers new possibilities for tour planning.

Digital Elevation Models (DEM) offer the possibility to extend two-dimensional maps with elevation information. For this purpose a more or less narrow grid on the earth's surface is assigned with one height value per point. The horizontal resolution determines the distance between the points, the vertical resolution the accuracy of the height value at this point.

The elevation data can be imported into a map table in QVX and then simply loaded into the map window. Under Style in the DEM info window you can then set how it should be rendered in the map window.

A detailed description of the possibilities offered by digital elevation models in QuoVadis X can be found in the Wiki article at


Many display options



Ein Grauwert wird entsprechend des Schattenwurfes des Geländes mit einem fiktiven Sonnenstand angezeigt. Dies ergibt ein sehr plastisches Bild der Landschaft.



Entsprechend der Höhe wird die Schummerung und eine Farbe gezeichnet, von Blau über Grün bis zu Braun und am Ende Weiß, je höher das Gelände ist.



According to the height the shading and a color value corresponding to the inclination is displayed. The colors are white for no tilt, light green for 14°, green for 25°, yellow for 30°, orange for 35°, red for 40°, violet for 45°, dark violet for 50° and more.

Sun angle:

The direction of the sunlight determines which side of a mountain slope is light or dark. Here, optical illusions can occur, making a valley suddenly appear as an elevation and a mountain as a hole. It has been found that at 337°, sun in NNW, this optical illusion does not occur for most people.

Contrast: A factor with which you can adjust the contrast. On very flat terrain, the small differences can be emphasized by a high value (4-7). In the mountains the value should be lower (1-4), otherwise the contrast is too strong.

The best effect is achieved by opening a height model as main map and vector maps as overlay. If you open a height model together with a raster map, you have to set a transparency for the uppermost map in Info Style, otherwise the map below will be completely hidden.


Create height profile

Höhenprofil erstellen

A second application with Dems is to create elevation profiles along routes or for track points and WPs. You can find this function in the info of the corresponding tracks and routes:


Assign a height to points

Assign a height to points

You can adjust the height of points afterwards. Open Info of one or more points and click on Height Profile If you don't have Dems, you can always use the online service of Bing. Clicking on Height Profile will get the height values for all selected elements.


Folgende Höhendaten sind im QuoVadis-Shop erhältlich:

Alps Elevationdata 25m/1cm QVX

Germany Elevationdata 25m/1cm QVX

France Elevationdata 25m/1cm QVX

Italy Elevationdata 25m/1cm QVX

Switzerland Elevationdata 25m/1cm QVX

Spain-Portugal Elevationdata 25m/1cm QVX

Austria Elevationdata 25m/1cm QVX