Slovakia and Czech Republic Top25 QV-Map

Item number: R10810

Version: QV7, QVX, QVXM
Download: ca. 4,30 GB
Slovakia and Czech Republic, Top25, QuoVadis-Map, sheetline free, DVD Scale 1:25.000, 1:100.000, 1:200.000 und 1:500.000

69,00 €

including 19% VAT.

Shipping time: 0 - 2 workdays

This QuoVadis-Map is a high quality topo map with sheet line free coverage of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Bikepath data were added to the Top25 map. These data need QuoVadis 6. They are not compatible with older TTQV-versions!
Lieferung: Download, optional "Sicherungskopie der aktuellen Bestellung" auf DVD/USB ohne Versandkosten
Delivery: Download, optional add item "Backup copy of your order" to receive order on DVD/USB, no shipping costs apply