Table of Contents
With QV-Poweruser and the module multitracking you can display and save the positions of various vehicles, which are sended via funk, GSM, GPRS, satellite or in another way.
Multitracking consists of various functions:
- Multitracking-configuration: with this tool you determine, from which source QV should take the position, where QV should save the tracklogs gespeichert and if and how the map display of the “sender” should look. In contrast to QV4, where the configuration has been saved as a file on the hard disk, in QV6 it is a database-object.
- the from QV4 known vehicle table with the list of the receiving vehicles has been integrated in the configuration.
- Multitracking-window: while the multitracking is running, the position data of every received object will be displayed in the window, which is docked per default at the bottom of the main window. In the toolbar you will also find the most important commands for the controlling.
- In the projectmanager you can manage the just received vehicles easily.
A multitracking-configuration is also a database-object, similar as a route or a track. Therefore it is saved in a multitracking-table, which you can create in every database with New.
Within a multitracking-table you create with New a new multitracking-configuration, which is managed in the Xplorer as known from other objects:
To find the way to the configuration, choose the entry and click on configuration :
First create a source, from which positions should be collected. Click on Add.. and choose the source of the popumenue:
- QV-Tracking-Gateway
- Serial Port, for example for NMEA data, but also AIS and APRS over Com
- Tcp-Socket, for example for NMEA over the network
- GSM SMS, to read SMS from an connected GSM-Modem
- Garmin Astro, reads all tracklogs in intervals, treating each of them as individual vehicle/sender
The name of the source can be changed by an easy click after the selection in the list on the right side. With the name the objects are grouped in the multitracking-window. Please enter in the field below the details of the connection. At the tracking-gateway these are your account-data, which you have received. For serial connections select at the protocol, which kind of data will be received, NMEA, AIS or APRS.
You can define several connections within a configuration, if you like to see for example several accounts or different com-ports at the same time. Therefore create a new connection with Add or duplicate an existing one.
Notice: If you want to use multitracking in a vehicle, to see the others´positions and additionally your own position, you only need to create a configuration to request the other positions. To sse your own position, please start Sie zusätzlich den normalen GPS-Online Modus.
On the second side you determine how you like to treat the several vehicles. You can create vehicles with its sender-ID,name and style in the Xplorer within the multitracking-configuration, after that this vehicle is “known”.
Here you can determine, how unknown vehicles, whose senderID is not yet recorded, should be treated. Either they can be ignored or they can be integrated automatically into the configuration. The third option is for example AIS or APRS-service, whereby many different objects can be shown, and only the actual position in the map is necessary, but without a storage in the database.
Notice: Maximum 5 vehicles can be tracked and saved in parallel. For more vehicles extension-licences can be purchased. With the options APRS and AIS as many vehicles as you like can be tracked, that means their positions in the map can be displayed, but only maximum 5 positions can be saved in the database.
In the block tracklogs you determine, if, how and where tracklogs should be saved. The tracklog-table is created in the same database, in which you find also the multitracking-configuration.
When you are ready, please save and close the configuration with OK.
To create vehicles in the table manually, ggo to the Xplorer, click on the multitracking-configuration in the tree-view to see the vehicles in the list window. With New you can create a new vehicle or duplicate an existing one.
Start the configuration with the start-button from the Xplorer to open the multitracking-window and begin with the removal of the positions:
With the toolbar you can stop the track, start again, with refresh you can carry out an immediately request for new positions, change the configuration set the column display.
The checkbox at the beginning of a line determines, if the map should be scrolled on this position, when a new position comes in.
Special NMEA-commands recognized by TTQV in GPS-Online Mode.
These commands can be used like any other NMEA-records. They can be send to QV over all available ports, e.g. seriel, over TCP etc.
complete Position
e.g. with Sender ID:
e.g. without Sender ID:
Field Number, fields seperated by COMMA:
1) Sender ID String, Name of sender, if present, will be used as Sender_ID in QV
2) Status Number, currently always 0
3) UTC Date ddmmyy
4) UTC Time hhmmss.s
5) Latitude decimal wgs84, south is negative
6) Longitude decimal wgs84, west is negative
7) Speed KM/h
8) Course True course, Degree
9) Altitude Meter
…additional field may come in the future
*XX NMEA-Checksum