Canada HERE 2016
HERE® 2016Q1, Canada.
Planning routes in GPS-offline mode (routing) and guided GPS-navigation with instructions and dynamic route recalculation (navi).
This map can be only be used from QuoVadis 7.2. and up.
Lieferung: Download, optional "Sicherungskopie der aktuellen Bestellung" auf DVD/USB ohne Versandkosten
Delivery: Download, optional add item "Backup copy of your order" to receive order on DVD/USB, no shipping costs apply
This map can also be used with QVX-Win, but not with QVX-Mac.
Planning routes in GPS-offline mode (routing) and guided GPS-navigation with instructions and dynamic route recalculation (navi).
This map can be only be used from QuoVadis 7.2. and up.
Lieferung: Download, optional "Sicherungskopie der aktuellen Bestellung" auf DVD/USB ohne Versandkosten
Delivery: Download, optional add item "Backup copy of your order" to receive order on DVD/USB, no shipping costs apply
This map can also be used with QVX-Win, but not with QVX-Mac.