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Maps overview
In many occasions it is helpfull to know which areas are covered by other available maps. In QV 4 a seperate map overview window was available fo this task.
This has become obsolete in QuoVadis 6 as you can activate frames to show the map extent of all available maps in every map window. This is realized by a software switch which can be acessed in two ways:
- Choosing the Map overview option from the View menu in the main menu bar.
In both cases this is a software switch: you activate the overview with the first click and you disable it again with the second switch.
All maps are displayed as green rectangle and polygon like an aktive map area of the map including the map names, which are available because of the actual setting of the AutoMAP-function. Please look for details at the chapter AutoMAP.
Active DEMs are characterised in red.
By a right click with the mouse on the name of a special map frame you can open a popup-menue with some functions of the corresponding map.
Load the map | Opens the assistance map opening, by which you can load the map as an overlay or open as a new map |
Show in QV-Xplorer | Activating the Xplorer-window and marks the map entry |
All zooming | Zooming onto the map area |
Delete from the map | Delete the marks of the map window |
Edit the marks | opens the tool box Edit, by wich you can edit the active map area of the map (is still missing, but coming soon…) |
Below an example for Afrika 1:500.000 loaded with detail maps of Namibia and the Tracks4Afrika Botswana als Overlay:
Active mapregion