Table of Contents
Welcome to QuoVadis X, or QVX for short.
This chapter is intended to make introduction into the program as easy as possible. All the steps are clearly described, from the program installation and activation of the license, the first overview of the most important functions and creation of the first route.
We recommend that even experienced users of the previous QV versions read this chapter.
Have fun with QVX!
QVX Installing
First download the program file from our Homepage.
Then start installation by opening the downloaded file and follow instructions of the setup assistant.
At the first program start QVX must be activated either as the Demo version or with a purchased license. The File Account dialog to do so opens automatically.
QV-Shop license
If you purchased QVX from the QV-Shop, simply enter the email address and password of your QV-Shop account and click Verify:
QVX will now load your licenses and list them. Finally, you must activate the licenses on this computer. To do this, click on Activate:
Now you should see your QVX license:
Done, you can close the dialog.
Demo version
If you just want to test QVX, you don't need to open a QV-Shop account or enter your email address. Just click on Activate Demo button and you will have 25 days to test Poweruser version for free.
Maps installing
Maps purchased in the QV-Shop are delivered as a download.
To download and install maps select Account from the File-Menu, then go to the My Licenses page and click on Download. The “Download Packages” dialog will open and you can download and install the maps you bought in the QV-Shop by clicking the right button of the mouse.
After installation you can find your maps in Xplorer window in the database “My maps”.
You can find all further information here.
User interface
QVX is divided into five windows highlighted in orange and five control areas highlighted in green:
- (1) Xplorer window for data management
- (2) Map window
- (3) Planning window for planning routes, printing maps
- (4) Search window
- (5) Project Manager window (PM for short)
- (A) Main menu with the toolbar
- (B) Toolbar to switch Xplorer and Map windows
- (C) Status line
- (D) Planning toolbar
- (E) Toolbar for Search and Project Manager windows
All windows can be switched on and off at any time using option buttons, to have the best overview for the current task. The size of any window can be adjusted as well.
Xplorer window
This is about your maps, GPS data, routes, tracks, waypoints, and how and where they are stored.
QVX stores all data in databases on your hard drive. Each database contains a table for each type of data like waypoints, tracks and routes. Think of a database as a cupboard, where tables are the drawers and your data are the items.
Xplorer is structured accordingly:
- Tree view - here you can see all databases (blue barrel symbol) and the tables they contain
- List view - here you can see the content of the table selected in the tree view
- Info - here you can see all details of the object(s) selected in the list view. All details can also be changed here.
You can create, delete, move or copy new databases, tables and data in Xplorer with the usual copy-paste commands or by drag-drop. For most operations, there is an undo function for security reasons and recycle bin to prevent accidental deletion.
You can find all further information here.
Map window
In Map window you can see your data correctly marked geographically, on maps of your choice.
Think of Map window as a large table which is initially empty. Now take a map from the drawer and spread it out on the table. Then use a highlighter to draw your route, mark interesting places with little stones.
QVX does it the same way. It adds your maps, tracks, routes and waypoints on Map window.
Map window consists of the following components:
- Map selection toolbar: searches, loads, replaces maps
- Zoom toolbar: changes the scale of Map window (the easiest way to zoom is with the mouse wheel)
- Edit toolbar: edits tracks, routes and waypoints on the map
- Mouse pointer: by moving the mouse, coordinates under the mouse pointer and the distance to the cursor are displayed in the red box
- Cursor: by clicking the left mouse button, the information about the location will be displayed in the purple box
- Scale of the current view
Choose a map
QVX already has a large selection of pre-installed online maps . You can find them in the database Online maps and Pois. Especially interesting are various OpenStreetMap (OSM) maps. They are world maps, always up to date and very detailed. For example, the “ Basemap/Zakladni” is particularly suitable for planning motorcycle or car tours. Select “OSM” in the tree view and “” in the list view. Note that the status bar confirms the selection.
To open the map press Show in map button from the main toolbar or simply double-click the name of the map in the list view.
Here we go:
Move around the map
For the original scale of the map press 1
To zoom in, press 2, or +, or scroll the mouse wheel
To zoom out, press 3, or -, or scroll the mouse wheel
To see the whole map, press 4
To move left, right, up or down on the map, use corresponding arrow keys, or move the mouse holding the left button
If you change a map detail, QVX must load it first. This might take some time. Especially with online maps, like To see the progress, check the tiles at the bottom counting down to 0.
Load tracks, routes and waypoints to the map
Simply mark them in Xplorer, one or several, and drag them into Map window, or use Show in map button.
Unload tracks, routes and waypoints from the map
To do this, use Unload from Map window button which will just remove the object from Map window but will keep it in Xplorer.
Please do not confuse it with Delete button which will delete the object from Xplorer. If you did it accidentally you can use Undo
You can find further information here.
Planning window
We select Plan new route button from the planning toolbar.
Now several things are happening at the same time:
- The route planning window opens with New Route item created in the database.
- Add points
button is activated on the editing toolbar in Map window
- The mouse pointer changes into
to indicate its active function in Map window
We can start now making the route by clicking points directly on the map. For example, we click three points successively - Dresden as a starting point, Leipzig as the second point, and Erfurt as the destination point. Note that the green rubber band will lead you along your route. With every click on the map you will see the route recalculation in the route planning window.
Once you finished your route deactivate Add points button simply by clicking on it.
QVX offers a wide range of routing options depending on your vehicle type, on what kind of roads you prefer, on how fast you want to get to your destination. First you have to choose a provider giving you different sets of options. Think of a Provider here as a postal courier when you want to send a parcel. First you have to choose between different couriers, for example, DHL, UPS, national postal service, etc. Once you choose the courier, then you have to think of a range of options it gives you - standard, fastest, cheapest, most secure, etc.
In a similar way, our route can be done following different routing options. On the first screenshot you can see the car fastest option which will take you from Dresden to Erfurt in 2.5 hours. If you prefer a more scenic option on smaller roads and do not mind to spend more time, you can choose Motorcycle curvy roads option (screenshot 2). It will require more than 5 hours but you might enjoy it more in terms of landscape.
You can find further information here.
Search window
You can search any waypoint in the search box of Search window - country, city, address, etc. The result/s will appear in Search window as a line/s.
Now you have two main options:
- Show in map by clicking the corresponding button
on the main toolbar
- Save as Waypoint by clicking the corresponding button
on the main toolbar. Additionally you can edit the information about this Waypoint in a dialog box and save again.
Be sure to highlight the waypoint you are working on in Search window.
You can find further information on more options here.
Project manager
It is highly recommended to open Project Manager - PM for short. You can see here all objects loaded on Map window and work with them: edit, hide, show again with the checkbox, unload from Map window, etc.
You can find all further information here.
Data transmission
You can send your data from QVX to various devices and you can download data to QVX from the devices.
Send your route to GPS
QVX automatically detects connected devices. As soon as you connect your GPS to your computer via USB and your computer recognizes it, it will appear in Xplorer shortly afterwards:
Now you can select the route/s - in Xplorer, on the map or in Project Manager, click Send button on the main toolbar and select your device from the dialog box:
The dialog box summarizes again what you have selected and which device it should be sent to.
You can find further information here.
Send your route to Smartphone
First you have to download QV-Mobile App to your smartphone.
Activate QV-NetDrop function in your QVX program on the desktop:
- click Settings
button on the main toolbar
- select General
- click Activate checkbox
Now activate QV-NetDrop function in your smartphone:
- tap Settings in the options menu in the upper right corner
- tap Activate checkbox
Be sure that both your computer and your smartphone are connected to the same WIFI network.
Now you can select the route/s - in Xplorer, on the map or in Project Manager, click Send button on the main toolbar and select your smartphone from the dialog box:
You can find further information here.
Send your route to computer
Activate QV-NetDrop function in your QVX program on both computers, the one sending data and the one receiving data:
- click Settings
button on the main toolbar
- select General
- click Activate checkbox (on Windows, a warning from Defender might pop up, please select “Allow access”)
Be sure that both your computers are connected to the same WIFI network.
Now you can select the route/s - in Xplorer, on the map or in Project Manager, click Send button on the main toolbar and select the receiving computer from the dialog box:
Click Send and after a short moment the route will appear in Xplorer window on the other computer.
You can find further information here.
Download data from GPS
If you want to download waypoints, tracks or routes stored in your GPS:
- connect the device first and wait until it appears in the tree view
- click on the device in the tree view
- the content is displayed in the tree view and list view:
Now you can just copy-paste or drag and drop any data into any database.
You can also save a complete backup of all data in your GPS by dragging and dropping the device itself into the QV-Data folder in the tree view:
You can find further information here.
Download data from Smartphone
Activate QV-NetDrop function both in your QVX program on the desktop and in your smartphone like described before .
Now take your smartphone:
- go to Database page and select a database you want to download
- tap Im-/Export in the options in the upper right corner
- select NetDrop in the lower left corner
- select your PC from the device list
- tap Send
Now the selected item is downloaded to your computer and you will see it in Xplorer.
You can find further information here.
Download data from computer
To download data from another computer, just go to this computer and send the data like described above.
Map details
To print a map detail, select Print map from the main toolbar. You will see a thin, black box in Map window indicating the print area which you will get printed on paper.
If you are fine with it, just click Print. Otherwise move and zoom the map until Map window shows the area you want to print.
To print another map detail, find it on Map window, click Recreate print area and then Print
You can find further information here.
To print the roadbook of your route, select the route in Xplorer, Map window or Project Manager and then click Print list button on the main toolbar .
You can find further information here.
You can navigate straight from your computer with the installed QVX if the computer has a GPS-device connected or built-in. Your current location will be marked on the map by the location marker.
There are three options to navigate:
- surfing on the map without any route marked
- navigating to the cursor location
- following the planned route
Surfing on the map
You can navigate just opening the map without any route planned in advance. First you have to click the GPS-Online button on the main toolbar. Now as you travel your current location is always updated with the location marker
on the map and a blue line (tracklog) following your movement. No guidance is given, just basic information - your speed, direction, elevation etc. in the yellow boxes on Map window.
Navigating to the cursor location
Second option is to travel to the location of the cursor . Click on Map window the location you want to travel to by placing the cursor there. Then click the Start navigation
button on the main toolbar. First you will see a dialog box where you can select routing options. After you selected the routing option click Start on the dialog box.
Again as you travel the location marker
will be updating your current location on the map and a blue line (tracklog) will be following your movement.
The guidance with turn instructions will be displayed in yellow boxes on Map window.
Following the planned route
Third option is to travel along a planned route. Select the route in Xplorer, PM or on the map and then click the Start navigation button from the main toolbar. QVX will start navigation automatically from your current location. The guidance with turn instructions will be displayed in yellow boxes on Map window.
You can find further information here.
Backup of GPS-Data
It is very important to have a regular backup of your GPS-Data. QVX will remind you once a week with the message in a dialog box whether you want a backup, and will create a full backup of all your databases automatically if you choose so. You can change this interval in Settings-General.
At any time you can also do a manual backup of one or more databases by selecting them in Xplorer and then clicking Backup from the File menu.
You can find further information here.